Archive for February, 2011

February 27, 2011

‘activism is powered by our passions.’-susanveronicacallender



Power of the Common(wealth).
February 27, 2011

I would just like to merely make a statement. If taken for face value on either side of right, then I suppose some action has been generated:

If U.S. Americans in the 1930s were able to stand up to Big Business & reaffirm to the Public Relations companies, Advertising companies, and Corporations that the public is NOT stupid, and ‘enlightened despotism’ is EXTREMELY unnecessary and unnervingly offensive. Then why can’t/aren’t we doing this today? It is the same system that is in place, corporations are totally in control of the direction our society is going in. The power DOES NOT lie in the People’s hands, as of late, where it belongs. We are in a democratic government, no? Oh so I suppose we just voted that Big Business predicts what type of life we must lead and tell us what we truly desire. Well I am a part of this society and I can certainly reaffirm to you that I did not and would never choose this inclination. Let us go back to the days of The New Deal, where FDR instated institutions solely with the interest of the PUBLIC in mind, where we can be rational decision makers in what happens in our country.  Contrary to the belief of the man who created the Public Relation industry Edward Bernays (an industry which currently reigns supreme in our nation), we are not solely driven by animalistic and emotional desires.

We are intelligent, we can make a difference. We can stand up, we can make a change. If we want to make a change…….

We WILL make a change.


February 23, 2011

As I lay, I see you. There.

Eyes ice cold- yet I am warm,

Hands, you mock me.

Take time, appreciate what the graduate’s gonna say today.

Discourses engulfed in change.

Why embraced?

Because it is inevitable, brazen bold.


You down there, you..yes..You,

Your time is next.

Allow the ascent to stimulate the brow,

The grin I so long to see.

Adjusting, Advancement, Acceptance.

Is it necessary?


To where,

Universes in existence.

I Am Alive.


As I stand, memories of loves door constantly being tapped, ever so slightly.

But yet so prominent.

There was so much love in life.

Complacent, transcendent, coral skies, golden ray of sun, crystallizes the teal steady waters below.

Have…is this..Nirvana?

I cannot agree.

For somehow you, me, WE crave conflict.

Innately insured?

The answer is known, but we wont be revealing this today.

For what answers can justify the reality of these circumstances.


Towards the hour glass I creep,

Seemingly slow substructures

Falling faintly. Now Fly Fast.

Where has time gone?

Did it go on a vacation?

Where’s the out to lunch sign you always put up when life got too hard.

Duro. It won’t give up. A guarantee.

Will you?


As I rise.

Not a literal term, albeit it explains the right of our existence.

What we must give as payment for living.

Transcendence lateral transference.

The spread of the mass.

Hear the heat ascending boundaries.

Smell the name. Understand why this must be done.

El Poder- the power, El Señor of this whole game.

Where does it lie?


He states the obvious.

And so I must gainsay.

Scream Knowledge until Death Raptures.

If Truth be objective or fallible.





February 18, 2011

i can’t remember the last time i turned on my television and really watched a program. …oh wait, yes i can. 2 weeks ago cbs sunday morning with charles osgood. i liked it.

i’m constantly looking for me. more.

castles made of sand, slip into the sea….
February 14, 2011

Jimi Hendrix, what an inspiration. How can you know what is real and what is music, is music the reality of reiterated outcries GIVE LOVE HOPE TAKE BREAK FAKE. a mistake. never a mistake. always a lesson I suppose. Psychedelic lapses of the mind allow me to see things a lil bit clearer, a lil bit brighter, a lil more keen to the auditory senses.  Please, let me intake this life, as I see it through my perspective. Please deem me insane for feeling this way, please tell me over and over how UNnormal I am…I am not normal. I thank God I am not normal. You guys are so boring…I sleep thinking about your existence. I sleep and it’s a hard sleep. I weep for you, I want to educate you, because I need you to educate  me. On how to be so boring. Adventure creeps around the corner, opportunity stalks your bedside table, laying incognito next to the vibrator and Bible that adorn your continuation in this universe. I’m yawning…don’t let me go. Why have you tried to put me down so much for not seeing the world the way your falsehoods have created it for you. Your lies have painted the streets with red HATE BLOOD green ENVY MONEY yellow DAISES white SHADOWS.  AM I no longer pleasing to the rods and cones fixated in the balls ingrained in your head. I never mean to put you down, I am just here existing. Loving? learning…no doubt. Living, unquestionably. Thank God I am alive, but if I were to die tomorrow and I can’t say that I’d be sad. Jimi Hendrix you knew this, you told me this in a dream I had.

that castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually.

i am that castle, my shell is the sand. shit. is my inside this hollow.